ラングリッチ31回目 Free Talk

Free Talk


First, I want to have my composition corrected. と言って。

I caught the flu last Friday and my fever went up to about 39 degrees. So I had to rest in the bed until yesterday. This morning my fever was gone after I had an enough sleep. However, I take a sick day today because my doctor told me that I would not be supposed to go to work unless 2 days passed after decline of fever.

I caught a flu last Friday and my fever rose up to about 39 degrees. So I took a rest in the bed until yesterday. This morning my fever lowers down to 36.5 dergees. However, I still took a rest day because my doctor advised me to take a day-off until Wednesday if my fever will decline.
because my doctor told me that I mustn't go to work until my fever will not subsides.

解熱後2日は出勤しちゃだめよと医者に言われたのだけど、それがうまく伝えられなかった気がする…。あ、でもeven if にすればいいいのか?"even if my fever will decline"で「たとえ熱が下がっても」だよね。そもそも、evenがなくてもよかったのか。だからわざわざ先生はevenを入れてないのか。高校の頃に文法習った時の記憶だと(even) if というような記述だった気もするし。

ラングリッチ30回目 TED

TED Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days

もうこのTED Talk使うの何度目だろうか。さすがに音読にも慣れたと思いきや同じ所を注意される…。練習してないからだな…。Howで聞かれた疑問文には方法を答えるのよ、と当然のことながらつい英語だと疎かにしてしまいがちな所もしっかり注意してくれるなど、しっかりしてる先生だった。


rut - 口をあまり大きく開けない
novel - navelと発音する

I studied world history when I was in high school.
How I study the history of the world is by listening to the CD on my way to work.
I do not dwell too much time on the computer.
I utilize my free time in studying the history of the world.

ラングリッチ29回目 TED

TED Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days

今日は29回目のラングリッチレッスンにして2回目の代講だったけど、自分に合った先生だったと思うので結果オーライ。レッスンで何度もやってるMatt CuttsのTED講演をチョイス。初めての先生に発音とかチェックしてもらおうと思って。というか他を準備する時間もなくて…。


rut - 「ア」のアクセント強く
add - "a"口大きく
subtract - 同上
as - 同上
nerd - よく聞こえなかったとのこと
challenges - 最後は"z"よ
badly - これも"a"を口を開けて
thousands - 最後"z"
month - manthじゃなくてmonth
novelist - "e"の発音をしっかりする
crazy - これも"z"をしっかり


He suggested to do something easy and sustainable.
There is one more book.

I have to tell you my evaluation, OK? You were very good when you read your words. I like the way - open your mouth - that was good. It's very important. Only minor mistake to the pronunciation is especially "a" sounds OK?

ラングリッチ28回目 SEN

Simple English News
(Entertainment) Flying People in New York City


はじめにほんの少し英作文の添削をしてもらってから、レッスン前に時間がなくて苦肉の策で選んだSimple English Newsを。自己紹介と添削、あと途中回線が途切れたのでNews Lessonとしては5分くらいしかなかったけどね、まぁいいや。

ラングリッチ27回目 TechCrunch

(TechCrunch) Rising Telecommuter Numbers Worldwide Form A Notable Trend


ラングリッチ26回目 Business Insider

(Business Insider) SETH GODIN: If You're An Average Worker, You're Going Straight To The Bottom

自己紹介の最後のところをディクテーション。I usually spend my time listening music, reading books, and playing volleyball. Those are all the things about me.

Okay, so can we now proceed to the lesson?からレッスン開始。記事は3日連続で同じもの。昨日の先生がまとめてくれたものを駆使したので内容についての会話は少しはましになったが、新たに質問されると死亡するという展開。言いたいことは頭の中にあるのに言葉に出てこないという…恋愛かw

taxis refer to the cars here in the philippines which is used as a transportation facility

ラングリッチ25回目 Business Insider

(Business Insider) SETH GODIN: If You're An Average Worker, You're Going Straight To The Bottom


fast - 口を開ける, Canadian, unfortunately - "L"の発音をしっかり, aren't

I slept at 2 a.m.
out there - 1. current environment, 2. outside in a place specified or not here

Nowadays, the industry is really changing. So workers should also adapt to it. So they should also change their mindset and also the way they work. (中略) You should be above average worker. The days or the time of the average workers doing average work, there are actually many people now who can also do the same work like you for a cheaper salary, So you should not be contented of how you work, and of your current job or of your current position. So you should look for improvement. You should be more than average for you to survive because if you are just an average worker, because there are already many average workers right now who can actually do your job better than you. You need to adapt to the fast changing environment. So you should be competitive. So you will survive because if your company will actually decide to lay off some employees, since you are one of the average workers you will be easily laid off. So you will not survive in this fast changing industry if you are just an average worker. So you will be really at the bottom.

a competitive global workerになるために→Improve yourself and make yourself unique, so people will hire you, will look for you, and will pay for you more.
なかなかうまく英語が出てこない俺に対して→You just have a little difficulty expressing well your ideas in English.
レッスンの終わりに→Anyway, it was really nice talking to you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the day.
