ラングリッチ19回目 Pronunciation Review 13

Pronunciation Review 13


I've been here in Langrich for almost 4 months but then I've been teaching as an English teacher for almost 4 years now and I've been teaching Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese students. Not online but offline, I mean face to face.

I would say I am a professional teacher. But I didn't really graduated as an English teacher but I graduated as a math teacher. But I ended up teaching English.

Yes if I'd like to in the government schools. But that is the thing I don't like to do. I mean I would be happy to teach to one-on-one classes but in a group like there are a lot of students like in the government school or in the public school in the Philippines, if you work in the government you would have at least 30 or as many as 80 students in one classroom and that's really difficult to teach.

But when it comes to benefits pay is really higher and you're very much stable because working in the government. But then I would not compromise the pay for the stress or the sadness that I can feel every day.

当たり前だけど、こういうのスラスラ話せていいなー、と思う。これ書き取るの相当苦労してるからw レッスンのときはなんとなく理解はできるけど、細かいところは聞き取れていないことがわかる。全部はディクテーションしてないけど、ここまでわずか5分。

レッスンは昨日ひっかかったngの発音の復習を。BEAT MY TIMEというゲームをやろうと言われた。要はTongue Twisterの速さを競う。余裕で負けたけどw コンマの後で休み過ぎだって。
